5 Tips for a Better T-Shirt Design

Sometimes you might look at a great t-shirt and think the designer just got super lucky and put something together that people love. Or you may just think they have an eye for design that you don't have. Fortunately for most of us non-Picasso types, it's a bit simpler than that! Here are some tips/elements that you can use to make your t-shirt designs stand out and sell.

Plan out your t-shirt design before execution. What do you want your design to look like? Where would you want your design to be placed on your tshirt? What size do you want your print? Thinking this through will save you lots of time on your design. Following through on this concept with bring out a more cohesive look to your tshirt design.

A major part of your successful tshirt design is finding the right color balance. Your color combinations can be very prismatic to stand out against your tshirt, or you can choose a more muted tone for a subtle design. The use of color comes into play not just in your design but also the tshirt itself. Plan out your color combination of print on tshirt and ensure that your design does not clash or get lost on your shirt.

Including text in your design can add an element of interactiveness with viewers and just like color is important so is text. To keep your text from being lost within your design use thick fonts or choose to stroke or outline your font when using design programs like Photoshop or Illustrator. Try playing around with the size of your text to add an interesting appeal to your t-shirt design.

Keep up with the curent trends within your niche when designing your t-shirt. Follow what is hot in the world of sports, entertainment, gaming, politics and fashion and you will always have the most up to date tshirt design that will peak your audience attention. T-shirt design styles are also important to follow, some trends like ‘vintage’, for example are always relevant but emerging trends like ‘holographic’ prints can bring your design to the next level.
Know Your Audience

It is important to know and understand the demographic that you are trying to target when designing your tshirt. Your concept, text and color must synchronize immaculately to form a comprehensive design to attract your audience. Following trends and styles and making some of your own will make for a better t-shirt design and keep your audience interested in your tshirts.