Expert Secrets for Boosting Traffic & T-Shirt Sales – Graphic Tee Coach

Expert Secrets for Boosting Traffic & T-Shirt Sales

I'll tell you this right up front: The first 5 expert techniques that I am going to show you are awesome, and they will absolutely help boost traffic and sales to your t-shirt store.  That said, the Game Changer tip at the bottom of this article is my favorite and has been the most successful of all the methods yet.  So make sure to read everything!

5 Expert Techniques

So, you’ve got an online store.  You’ve seen or heard of people who are getting good traffic and sales.  How do they do it? Well… there are several ways, but there’s one really good one.  First let’s start with a few things that work:

  • An aged store / website.  In other words, if you have a website that has been around for a long time, it’s likely to get decent traffic for that reason alone.  Google has already indexed it. Other people may have posted links to your pages to their own sites, Pinterest, Facebook, or other social media sites.
  • Aggressive linking.  One way to get traffic to your site is to make sure there are many links to your site from other sites.  So, let’s say you have a hundred products on your site. That means you have a hundred product pages. If you can get other sites to post links to each of your products, then that means you have a hundred other sites linking to your site.  Google likes that. Your rank will go up. What sites would post links to your products? Social media sites, other website owners that you ask… or you could post links to your products on sites that allow you to post links. Some news sites or blog sites for example.
  • Creating viral content.  Let’s say a celebrity wears a shirt and posts a pic of it on social media.  Let’s also say that you have a similar shirt on your site. You could tweet, post, share… whatever… that news story and include a link to the product page on your site.  If many other people share your post, you’ll start to get lots of back links (which google likes) as well as actual clicks from interested post viewers.
  • check
    Product quantity.  If you have thousands of products, the odds of someone finding one of them are dramatically higher than if you only have a few products.  That’s a no-brainer.
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    Product titling.  For example if you have a shirt on your shop that is a picture of a cartoon hammer, you could call it “Hammer T Shirt”.  Or, you could call it, “Funny Cartoon Hammer Father’s Day Carpenter Construction Worker Gift T Shirt”. If you think the second one is a whole lot better for Google rank, you win the prize!

BONUS! The Game Changer

Okay, so there’s a good list of ideas.  Everyone should be doing a little bit of the above.  But, here’s the best approach of all:

  • 1
    Put a bunch of products on your site and title them well.
  • 2
    Ensure you have a working Google Merchant feed.
  • 3
    Configure the Google Merchant feed correctly.  *Warning: Not Google Ads!
  • 4
    Add current event based products with keywords in the title that match the headlines in the current events.
  • 5
    Periodically review the myriad reports in the Google Ads dashboard that help you determine where your clicks are coming from and how to get more. *Warning Number 2: Do not talk to Google support and let a Google rep talk you into setting up Google Ads!

So, if you have a store and you’re not getting good traffic from Google Merchant or worse yet your feed isn’t even set up, then ask us for help for goodness sake!  Premium Graphic Tee Coach members get ongoing Google Merchant support.


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