How to Beat 90% of Your T-Shirt Competition – Graphic Tee Coach

How to Beat 90% of Your T-Shirt Competition

how to beat 90% of your competition with pow! sign

Is the Market Saturated?

Can you still make money selling t-shirts in 2019?  The market is becoming saturated. Lots of people have figured out that this is a great side hustle.  Are there too many players?

In short… yes, you can absolutely still make money in 2019 and beyond selling t-shirts online.  Ecommerce now accounts for almost 15% of retail sales in the US, and it’s growing!  So yes, there’s room for you here.

What’s the secret?  It’s actually not so subtle… use the 90/10 rule. You have to run your business better than 90% of the other sellers out there.  Here’s how:

Have Your Own Domain/Website

Yes, you can sell on Etsy, Amazon, eBay, etc… but it’s not easy to get started and you’re definitely dealing with lots of competition there.  Having your own website gives you tons of control over how you sell, a much higher profit margin, and a more direct relationship with your buyers.

It’s Time to Take This Seriously!

If you’re ready to take your sales to the next level, become a Premium Graphic Tee Coach member today.  Membership includes store tune-up (or new store if you need one), Google Shopping setup, and ongoing coaching!  It’s only $27/month, and the first 14 days are free, or at a savings of $162/year!

Run a Google Shopping Campaign

For me, this has proven to be the most cost effective way to get buyers to my site.  Once set up correctly, it works kind of like magic. Buyers show up on your site, they buy things, you get the money in your Paypal or Stripe account, and at the end of the month Google bills you for the clicks.  You’re never out of pocket! And, the best part is that it works… well.

Use Keywords Correctly

When you title your shirts, make sure people can find them!  This seems so simple and so obvious yet I can assure you that 90% of the people selling online (or more) are doing it wrong.  Here’s an example. Say I have a shirt that says, “Pray for Notre Dame” and I want to donate part of the profits to rebuilding the church.  I could title the shirt, “Pray for Notre Dame T Shirt”. However, if I do that I’m in that 90% group. Don’t want to be there. So, instead I’ll title it, “Pray for Notre Dame France Fire Donate Charity Rebuild Contribution T Shirt”.  Now, when people do a google search for, “How can I donate to rebuild Notre Dame”, guess whose shirt comes up?

Correct Product Mix

You’ll need long-term sellers, and hot sellers to be successful.  Long-term sellers are shirts that will sell for a long time. You’ll be competing with a lot of other sellers for these sales.  Hot sellers are shirts that are current event based. You’ll have very little competition for these… but they have short shelf-life usually. For more detail on this subject, see my blog post here:

Be Patient, For Goodness Sake!

If you’re new to selling tees it may take you several weeks, or even a few months, to gain traction.  But stick with it. I know many people who took a few months to get their first sale but now make over $30K a year selling tees putting in as little time as three or four hours a week.

Keep Your Costs Down

Nothing is more discouraging than setting up an ecommerce business that costs you $30-$100 per month and you don’t see any income for a few months.  That will cause even experienced business people to give up and move onto something else. So, look for ways to keep your costs down. And, here’s a not so subtle plug.  That’s one of the key benefits of being a Graphic Tee Coach member. We can get you up and running with a store, a google merchant feed, and some guidance on long-term and hot sellers for $9.95 a month.  And, your first 14 days are free so you can try before you buy. Don’t believe me? Join our free Facebook Group T-Shirt Sales Master Group and ask a member!


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