How to Sell 5X More With Holiday T-Shirt Sales – Graphic Tee Coach

How to Sell 5X More With Holiday T-Shirt Sales

How to 5x holiday t-shirt sales

The key to killing it on holiday t-shirt sales is preparation.  I know, boring.  It's not a silver bullet, otherwise everyone would be doing it.  Preparing for the holiday selling season is critical.  But it doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are a few ideas to really boost holiday t-shirt sales this season.

Firstly, the online holiday selling season really kicks off on Cyber Monday.  That’s the first Monday after Thanksgiving. So, this year it’s November 26. People go out and brave the roads and the malls looking for Black Friday sales on the weekend.  Then they settle in at home and do a crazy amount of online shopping. Here are some key things you can do to sell over the holidays:

Create Holiday-Themed Products

Here are a couple of examples to get you started: 

“All I Want for Christmas is <BLANK>”.  You fill in the blank based on what your audience or niche is interested in.  E.g a “Golden Retriever Puppy”, or “Idris Ilba” (People’s sexiest man… get the idea of the double current-event to maximize Google search relevance?), or a “1787 Chateaux Margaux”.  Whatever you think works for your market.

“Tis the Season to be <BLANK>”.  Same idea.

You can see, it's not hard, you just have to put them together!

Offer Limited Time Discounts

Create a coupon for something like 15% off orders of 3 or more t-shirts.  Something like that. One sale is good, but three is better… even at a discount.  Shoppers are likely to buy one item, but if they get a discount on 3, they will often do so.  So, would you rather sell one shirt and make $10 or three and make $20? The math speaks for itself.


Thanksgiving weekend kicks off some meaningful football games.  For inspiration, take a look here at a site that sells non-official sports shirts:


You cannot sell products if you don’t promote them.  Okay, a couple sales might trickle in, but if you want a hot-seller you need to promote it.  Here are a few of the top ways to promote:

  • Instagram Shoppable Posts:  This is a highly underutilized tool that can boost your holiday t-shirt sales.  See here how to set up Shoppable Posts.  If you get stuck, please ask us for help!
  • Google Shopping:  This is the most cost effective and profitable way to advertise your products using the pay-per-click method.  Ask Steve if you need help!
  • Organic social media: You may already have a following, or maybe you are just good at going viral.  Post a story about your product to Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook etc. (Note, with Instagram making the post shoppable is key because users can’t click on your post and jump to your buy page otherwise.

Holiday t-shirt sales make December one of the most fun times of the year!  Good luck and keep me posted via “Ask Steve” on your progress!


Steve got into the t-shirt business several years ago and has never looked back. He is now able to pass on his knowledge and experience through Graphic Tee Coach, including how to design winning tees, marketing your shop, and sustaining a strong profitable business in the long run.

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