How Back To School Can Help You Sell!

September's Calling, And You Can Cash In!
Back to School season is always prime time for buying tee shirts.
And that means potential sales for you! Virtually EVERYONE wants to head back to the classroom with something cool, hip or funny. Here's how you can convert back to school into sales!
Let's start with the basics.
There are plenty of classic designs you can look to for inspiration for a generic back to school shirt. A quick Google and Instagram search will turn up lots of eye catching ideas; "Happy First Day of School" "Ready To Crush Grade 7", "Straight Into High School", "Droppin' Into 4th Grade" are just a few. That concept can apply to every grade/school you can think of.
Have a look at all of those and see what kind of slant or variation you can come up with that will stand out! And if you hit on something really unique that needs a tweak, but is a bit beyond your skillset, head to the GTC design services and provide them the details of your idea, and they can make it for you!
Even better, if you come up with your own theme that can apply to several grades or school types (Both of the examples below, for instance, could be used dozens of times over) the services team can put that design on a whole series of shirts for your store.

Next, think about big, pop culture events that happened over the summer. Things that just about everyone would know about, and would understand if it was on a shirt.
The Olympics. The Euro Cup/sports. Huge movies/tv shows that everyone was mentioning on social media.
Pick a few of these touchtone events and make some products based on them. Again, Twitter, Insta and social media are your friends here. Do some searches, and then find a slightly different take of your own that would catch the attention of students looking for something hip to wear on day one.
Lastly, remember that back to school is the beginning of the quick run up to the fall, Black Friday and even Xmas. As you are adding more products, be sure to spend some time looking at your best sellers and make more of them! When the busy season hits, you're likely to double your sales, so you want to maximize your top products.
(We'll be posting a blog specifically on how to get geared up for the Fall in the coming weeks, so be sure to check it out.)
Have questions? Need more tips, or specific help getting your store going? Use the coupon code 25OFFSITEREVIEW and get 25% off for a 30 minute call with Steve, the Graphic Tee Coach! Book in and get an expert review of your store and ideas to level up your sales.
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